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Offer comprehensive and professional out-sourcing testing
Provide accurate, precise and consistent data for clients

Testing Capabilities Pathology Clinical Trials & CRO

Fenglin Lab is dedicated to be the leading laboratory providing trials testing services that are in compliance with global standards in China and the world.

To ensure quality of data, the Central Laboratory is applying for ISO 15189 and CAP accreditation and Proficiency survey testing. This would provide assurance regarding the quality of the testing for both the CRO and the sponsor.

With a state-of-the-art facility of 1650 square meters, laboratory facilities of 1450 square meters and office space of 200 square meters, the Central Laboratory is able to work with our clients to achieve their testing protocol needs. Our professional team is well qualified to design and implement studies that provide accurate, precise and consistent data for our clients.

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Fenglin Clinical Laboratory Awarded ISO15189 Laboratory Accreditation Certificate
Fenglin Clinical Lab Awarded CAP Accreditation
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Address: 2F, Building 4, 188, Pingfu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200231, P.R. China
Tel: (86) 21 3367 2666, 400 820 8668 Fax: (86) 21 3367 6446 Email: [email protected]

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